Specialist Advice

I am more than happy to give advice before you would decide for an instrument. If you are looking for something I don't have, I will help you find it.

The main goal of the professional advice is to help the customer find the perfect instrument both in quality and in price

The usability of an instrument doesn’t necessarily depend on the value of the instrument. Cheaper instruments can also achieve a good sound with the right settings and accessories.

The basic conditions of an instrument’s usability:

Often some sizes during the setting have to match the player’s attributes, for example when someone has small hands, or short fingers. It depends on such small details whether an instrument is comfortable to play or not. Anyone that has got a well set up instrument – let that be a well seasoned player, or a beginner student – will find it easier to get a good sound out of the instrument, and is way more likely that they will have fun playing music.